Tuesday 1 May 2012

It's Your Choice// Research

''two heads are better than one''


This is quite similar to the IMAGE poster I want to create but this is pretty bad and I hope to do a better job than this! I feel it is important to have to representations of heads on the posters as the proverb is 'two heads are better than one'. The font used on this poster is very simple and I feel thats something I should experiment with when working with this brief. What font works and suits the posters without making unlegible. 'The power of 2 is a great example of power marketing system that has propelled products and people to greater heights. Having people to help you achieve your goals makes it faster and more efficient. This is the principle that VMobile shares and has proven to create 40 millionaires in the Philippines' This is the describtion that came with this poster and I found it here:
I like their slogan: Don't work for a living, work for a reason  


Too Much Brian In My Head

I quite like the idea of this for the IMAGE AND TEXT poster. I have already mentioned on Design Practise that I want to get rid of what goes on each poster but I quite like the idea of having a rule to work with. It makes the brief easier to follow. The original brief states that you can only do a poster with just IMAGE, a poster with just TEXT, and then finally a poster with both IMAGE AND TEXT. I like the way that the text is part of the imager and thats why I have chosen to blog this as part of my secondary research. I want to have the same side portrait as the poster too. But I want there to be two heads instead of one and I want their heads to be merged together.

 Blog vi.sualize

Your In the wrong Business 

I quite like the idea of having the just text in a speech bubble. But does the speech bubble count as imagery? If so its not aloud! However I do have the power to change the brief as I go through this project so I will see what happens. Having the text in the speech bubble makes the statement of 'Two heads are better than one' more important I feel. Its like it is being told to you by some who may know what they are talking about. Look at the 'YOUR IN THE WRONG BUSINESS'- thats really comes across to you. They black and capital letters work especially well at giving the statement meaning. I like how its quite sketchy at the sides. I guess that this was hand rendered and then scanned in.


Zero 7 : When It Falls Album Cover 

I thought of this album cover and thought it good reference. I like the colours in this design. It makes me think of thought process, diffrent emotions this person is feeling. Maybe from listening to the music? You can also see another head inside the head but I can't think of what this might mean. Possibly the white head is the person listening to the music, and the head outside with the orange colours is the emotions that show from the person listening the the music.

Lotta Bruhn
Pretty pretty Elephants in Digital Arts

This is what gave me an idea for my IMAGE poster. The idea of repetition, coping the same image over and over and merging them together. Look on my design practise and its actually worked quite well. I also added the publication that these elephants appeared in because it gives the pattern a different meaning. To me it looks like wrapping paper and thats why I am tempted to screen print my envelope with my pattern.

'...This came to my notice the other day. I had almost forgot about my contribution in the print & pattern bookDigital Arts have made an articel about the book and high lights some of the patterns.
And one of them is my elephant pattern, Pretty Pretty Elephants...' -Lotta Bruhn

Caustic Cover Critic 

I found this on Designspiration and I am most interested in cover 3. The colour coming from the mind works really well. I do like it how all 6 of these magazines when put together create an head. But when by them selves work perfectly well. Unfortunately I couldn't find any information on the magazines themselves as the link from Designspiratoin was dead.   


I thought that I should look into publications with this brief just to add something new to the table. I like the idea of containing my posters in some sort of envelope or a tube. 

Don't Panic

I really think an envlope would work so well to finish the brief off and make it feel more professional and important. Its also I great way of keeping everything together, or, containing more information with out becoming unorganised. I could even chuck in some sort of postcards too!

Envelope Net

I am going to make my own envelop and once folded it will be A5. This means that my posters will be A3 and folded down will fit inside. If I don't Screen print the others I will defiantly screen print the IMAGE design onto the outside of this probably in BLACK. I want to print on the to brown paper just like Don't Panic has.

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